Monday, June 25, 2012

Grandma's Tweetin'

If lately, grandma and grandpa have been filling your Facebook feed with status updates or pictures from their latest vaction, you are not alone... According to Pew Research Center and Princeton Survey Research Associates International 53% of seniors are actively online, 34% are using social media of some form, and 86% are using email.

The following data was gathered by the Nielsen Company, and reflect online activity of people 65 or older, as of 2009:

This first table shows what seniors are most actively doing online. The most common activity was checking personal e-mail. Viewing or printing maps and checking the weather followed close behind.

Top 10 Online Activities Performed in the Last 30 Days by People 65+ (U.S.)
RANKProfile Point: Internet Activities in Last 30 DaysAudience Composition Percent
1Personal E-mail88.6
2Viewed or Printed Maps Online68.6
3Checked Weather Online60.1
4Paid/Viewed Bills Online51.2
5View/Posted Photos Online50.1
6Read General/Political News49.2
7Checked Personal Health Care Info47.3
8Planned Leisure Travel Trip Online39
9Searched Recipes/Meal Planning Suggestions38.4
10Read Business/Finance News37.8
Source: The Nielsen Company, Nielsen @Plan Fall 2009 Release, Adults 18+

The No. 1 online destination for people over 65 in November 2009 was Google Search, with 10.3 million unique visitors. Windows Media Player and Facebook were No. 2 and No. 3, with 8.2 million and 7.9 million visitors, respectively. Interestingly, Facebook, which came in at No. 3 in 2009, ranked No. 45 in 2008 among sites visited by senior citizens.
Overall, the number of unique visitors who are 65 or older on social networking and blog sites has increased 53 percent in the last two years alone. 8.2% of all social network and blog visitors are over 65, just 0.1 percentage points less than the number of teenagers who frequent these sites. Again, this data was collected in 2009, and most certainly has continued to increase in the past 3 years.
Top 10 Online Destinations Visited by People 65+ in November 2009 (U.S., Home and Work)
RANKSiteUnique Audience (000)Unique Audience Composition (%)
1Google Search10,2537.7
2Windows Media Player8,24110.9
6Yahoo! Mail5,6387.8
7Yahoo! Search5,5838.7
8Yahoo! Homepage5,3836.8
9Bing Web4,51010.1
10Google Maps4,3978.4
Source: The Nielsen Company
So don't be surprised when you see grandma tweeting from her iPhone about the latest rose ceremony from "The Bachelorette." Seniors are becoming a bigger part of the online social media landscape, and it appears they are here to stay.

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